Monday, November 21, 2011

It's been years, but I can still remember the day I wondered what the Big Guy would turn out like. 

I always he knew he'd be tall, kind and thoughtful.  I did not know that he would also be quick-witted, fiery tempered and fiercely loyal. 

And opionated.  Boy, is that boy opinionated. 

Ask him about politics and he'll tell you bluntly exactly what he believes and why.  He's a believer in the underdog and he's a fighter for what is right. 

He cannot stand the idea of terrorism and abhors the violence in the world. 

I suppose that's why he joined the Army.  He wants to do his part to right the wrongs in this world.  He wants to protect the families in harm's way, even if that means he makes the ultimate sacrifice.

As the woman who knew him before he knew himself, I'm proud.  As the mother who watched him take his first steps, first to me and then into the world, I have worry and fear.

But I needn't be anxious about him leaving soon.  He also has a strong belief in the God who created this world, who created him.  And as much as it's hard for me to believe, He loves him much more than I ever could.

And it's His hand that he'll hold the day he lets mine go.

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